Scott MacColl
Scott MacColl formally joined Accelerator Venture Partners as its second General Partner in January, 2022 to help expand the FastTrak Fund concept beyond Keiretsu Forum. Scott's involvement with the Funds dates back into 2020 when he became one of the first active Limited Partners in the AVP 2020 FastTrak Fund.
Scott is the founder of MacColl Strategic Advisors, a firm focusing on surety and reinsurance industry related issues including; dispute resolution (mediation, arbitration, expert witness), advisory and outsourcing. He is also a partner and co-founder of Innovative Surety Solutions, a firm focusing on claim advisory and outsourcing services for surety companies and reinsurers. Prior to forming these ventures Mr. MacColl successfully drove profitable growth for surety and credit related specialty product lines in North America, Latin America, and Europe.
Scott’s 20 years of credit and risk analysis skills provide a strong background for evaluating pro-forma financials, return on investment, exit valuations, and other key elements critical to the angel investment process. He is an active investor in public equities, real estate, and early stage companies.